Post by Chad Angel on Sept 6, 2010 15:18:18 GMT -6
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Central Missouri Railroad Association.
Article II: Purpose and Objective
1. The Central Missouri Railroad Association shall be a not-for-profit organization supporting all aspects and scales of railroad enthusiasts and modelers with the following purposes and objectives.
a. Promote and support railroading and the model railroading hobby through the maintenance of an official web site, publication of an official newsletter and the production of an annual train show as well as other activities.
b. The Association shall support and participate in community activities that preserve and promote the history of railroading in the United States.
Article III: Club Organization
A. Qualifications.
1. Any Regular Member in good standing shall be eligible for election as an Officer.
A. Election Setup
1. October: Nominations accepted for offices.
2. November: Election held
3. December: New Officers sworn in to offices.
B. Officers.
1. President: The President shall preside over all general membership and special meetings, appoint committees not otherwise provided for in these Bylaws, serve as an ex-officio member of all committees and represent the Association to other organizations and the public in general.
2. Vice President: The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President in the Presidents absence, and serve as coordinator between the Association and all special interest committees.
3. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and General Membership and Special meetings. He/She shall have custody of such books and records as required to perform the duties of the office of Secretary and shall have such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President.
4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have custody of all the funds of the General membership of the Association, collect promptly all monies due the Association and shall pay such bills as are authorized by the Board of Directors and shall perform all other duties incident to the office of Treasurer, subject to the control of the Board of Directors.
5. Membership Director: The Membership Director will be responsible for all applications for new members, keeping up-to-date information available in the club house for visitors to obtain, and the meeting and greeting of guests to our meetings and club house.
6. Newsletter Editor: The Newsletter Editor is responsible for putting together and distributing the club newsletter to all members and any one else they feel should receive a copy of it.
C. Board of Directors.
1. Composition. The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers elected by the general membership plus the director of each special interest committee. The President shall chair all meetings of the Board of Directors.
2. Quorum: One half of the members of the Board, at least one of who shall be the President or Vice President shall constitute a quorum.
3. Meetings: The Board of Directors meets a minimum of four times per year. The first being within two weeks of being elected. The last at least two weeks prior to elections.
a. Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held w whenever called for by the President or any two other members of the board.
D. Vacancies.
1. If the office of President shall become vacant, The Vice President shall succeed to the office of President.
2. If any other office becomes vacant, the office shall be filled from among eligible regular members appointed by the remaining board members for the remainder of that term of office.
E. Tenure of Office.
1. The term of office for all elected officials and Directors shall be two years or until their successors shall be elected and installed in office. A regular member shall be eligible for re-election.
2. The six offices available for election have been divided into two groups with each group being elected every other year.
a. Group 1: President, Secretary, and Membership Director
b. Group 2: Vice President, Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor
3. Any officer may be removed from his/her office for lack of interest, malfeasance in office or for conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Association by a majority vote of the general membership.
A. Purpose.
1. Members may form Special Interest Committees (i.e. SICs) in order to pursue specific aspects of railroading that may not be of interest to everyone in the general membership (i.e. specific model scale, modular or permanent layout, rail fan, etc.) provided the purpose and activities of the proposed committee meets the criteria stated in these Bylaws.
B. Criteria.
1. SICs must be related to a specific aspect of railroading.
2. The purpose and activities of the SICs may not be adverse to the good of the Association and may not interfere with the purpose and activities of the Association.
3. SICs Must be approved by the general membership by majority vote at a regularly scheduled meeting.
a. Proposals for SICs must state the purpose, the anticipated number of members, a financial plan and a plan to protect the SICs member’s interests.
b. Duplicate SICs shall not be allowed except for special cases (i.e. shift workers, etc).
4. SICs shall be self governed and self financing. No Association funds may be used for SIC specific purposes.
5. Each SIC will select, by election, a Director for the purpose of conducting SIC meetings and representing the SIC on the board of directors.
a. Each SIC Director shall present a report on said Sics activities and finances at each Association meeting.
b. Any other officers required by the SIC shall be elected by the members of each SIC.
6. Should a SIC dissolve, the property and funds of that SIC shall be divided among the members of that SIC. In the event of disagreement over the disbursement of property or funds the SIC members shall present their positions at the soonest Association meeting for open discussion and the Board of Directors shall decide the outcome as soon as possible after the meeting.
7. SICs may be dissolved by a vote of the Association General Membership for conduct or activities prohibited by law or deemed prejudicial to the Association.
8. Should a SIC be abandoned by it’s members, any property and/or funds shall become the property and/or funds of the Association and shall be liquidated and incorporated into the funds of the Association.
9. Each SIC will elect a member to communicate and coordinate meeting times and activities with the Association Vice President in order to prevent scheduling conflicts with the Association or other SICs.
10. Meeting/Activity dates for SICs shall be coordinated by the Vice President.
11. Members may belong to more than one SIC.
12. SIC funds shall be maintained by the Association Treasurer who shall keep individual records for each SIC.
Article IV: Membership
1. Regular Member: A Regular Member shall be any member 18 years of age or greater. A Regular Member may vote, hold any office and participate in all group activities without restriction. A Regular Member is subject to dues, fees and other assessments.
2. Inactive Members: Members in good standing may request an Inactive Status for reasons of Illness, Military Service, or other extenuating circumstances approved by the board. Inactive Members will not be required to pay dues or assessments. Inactive Members must inform the board and resume payment of dues and special assessments when they wish to reinstate Regular Membership. Inactive members may not participate in activities.
3. Associate Member: The spouse or established domestic partner of a Regular Member shall be considered an Associate Member. Each Regular Member may sponsor only one Associate Member. An Associate member is assigned no dues, fees or assessments, may not hold office, may not vote, buy may serve on event committees and otherwise participate in all group events.
4. Junior Member: Membership shall be allowed for the children or legal charges of a Regular Member provided that such Junior Member demonstrates a level of Maturity and behavior that is neither disruptive nor destructive to persons or property while engaged in Association activities. Further, a Junior Member must be under the full time supervision of a parent, guardian or sponsor while attending an Association activity. A Junior Member may not vote or hold any elected office and may only participate in Association activities with the consent of both the sponsoring Regular Member and the event organizer. Dues are not assessed for Junior Members.
5. Family Membership: Membership will include husband/wife or established partners and all their children under the age of 21. All family members over the age of 18 may vote, hold any office and participate in all group activities without restriction. Children under the age of 18, will still be considered Junior Members and fall under the bylaws for junior membership. From 18 to 21, they become full members of the club. At the age of 21, they must start paying their own dues or they shall no longer be a member of the club.
6. Honorary Members: Persons may also be inducted as Honorary Members by a simple majority vote of all members in attendance. An Honorary Member is a person who has supported the Association in the achievement of its stated purpose. An Honorary Member may not vote or hold any elected office nor will dues be assessed on them.
7. Guest: Non-member persons may attend up to two club meetings and/or functions without the benefit of membership. Thereafter, membership will be required.
Article V: Meetings
A. Meeting times and dates shall be determined by the General Membership by a majority vote.
1. In the event Association meeting times should change SIC meeting schedules shall be taken into consideration in order to minimize conflicting schedules.
Article VI: Finances, Dues and Fees
A. Initiation Fees.
1. New members shall pay an initiation fee. The amount of the fee shall be determined by the General Membership and reviewed and approved annually.
B. Dues.
1. Monthly dues shall be paid by all regular members.
2. The amount of the dues shall be established, reviewed and approved annually by the General Membership no later than November 30th meeting.
3. Dues should be paid on or before the monthly business meeting.
C. Special Assessments.
1. In the event of unforeseen expenses, special projects or other unfinanced events, a special assessment may be proposed to the General Membership. Special assessments shall be passed by a majority vote.
2. Those members who require a hard copy of the newsletter and other correspondence will be responsible for the cost of production and postage.
3. All dues, fees, and assessments must be current for members to participate in club activities. This includes meetings.
Article VII: Resignation, Disenrollment and Reinstatement
A. Resignation in Good Standing: Any member wishing to resign shall submit his/her resignation in writing to the President. He/She shall be considered to have resigned in good standing if dues, all current special assessments, and any other financial obligations to the Association have been paid.
1. No refund of dues or special assessments shall be made, except that in hardship cases, an appropriate refund for monies paid in advance may be authorized by the Board of Directors.
2. Members who resign in good standing shall be reinstated upon submission of an application for membership. Such application shall be accompanied by payment for the initiation fee, the current month’s dues, plus any current special assessments.
a. Any member who left in good standing, may reapply for membership one time without having to repay the initiation fee.
B. Disenrollment for Non-Payment of Dues, Special Assessments or other Financial Obligations to the Association. Members will be disenrolled for non-payment of dues, special assessments or any other financial obligation to the Association within sixty days after such obligation became due and payable.
1. Any member so disenrolled may apply for readmission by re-submitting an application form, payment of the initiation fee, current month’s dues and any current special assessments. Re-admission under these circumstances is a one time only event.
a. Any member 60 days past due on dues, special assessments or any other fee shall receive a letter in the mail stating that they are past due and asking the member to contact any member of the board of directors to inform them what your circumstances are. If money is not paid or other steps taken by the next meeting, the person shall be disenrolled as a member of the club.
b. The Treasurer is responsible for sending out this letter to members.
c. Any member of a SIC who is 60 days past due on an dues or fees, shall also receive a letter in the mail. If not paid or other steps taken, that member shall be removed from that SIC.
d. Copies of these letters may be obtained from the Treasurer or any other officer.
C. Disenrollment for Prejudicial Conduct. A member may be disenrolled for conduct prejudicial to the purpose of or the best interests of the Association.
1. Any Regular Member charging another member with prejudicial conduct shall submit such charges to the Board of Directors in writing.
2. Upon receipt of such charges the Board of Directors shall convene a special meeting whereon they shall hear all charges, evidence and rebuttal from all concerned parties.
3. The Board of Directors shall conduct the meeting in such a way as to assure that the interests of the defendant member as well as the interests of the Association are fully protected.
4. An Affirmative vote by a majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a verdict of disenrollment from the Association.
5. A member so disenrolled may be reinstated by a petition for reinstatement signed by at least fifty percent of the Regular Members of the Association who were Regular Members as of the date of disenrollment. Such petition must be received by the Secretary not more than sixty days after the date of such disenrollment.
Article VIII: Amendment of By-Laws
A. These By-Laws may be amended, modified, or repealed by the Board of Directors subject to the approval of a majority of the General Membership at any meeting, provided that notice of the intent to do so is included in the notice of the meeting and a copy of the proposed change accompanies such notice.
Article IX: Rules of Order
A. Meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order.
Revised 8-25-2010
The name of this organization shall be the Central Missouri Railroad Association.
Article II: Purpose and Objective
1. The Central Missouri Railroad Association shall be a not-for-profit organization supporting all aspects and scales of railroad enthusiasts and modelers with the following purposes and objectives.
a. Promote and support railroading and the model railroading hobby through the maintenance of an official web site, publication of an official newsletter and the production of an annual train show as well as other activities.
b. The Association shall support and participate in community activities that preserve and promote the history of railroading in the United States.
Article III: Club Organization
A. Qualifications.
1. Any Regular Member in good standing shall be eligible for election as an Officer.
A. Election Setup
1. October: Nominations accepted for offices.
2. November: Election held
3. December: New Officers sworn in to offices.
B. Officers.
1. President: The President shall preside over all general membership and special meetings, appoint committees not otherwise provided for in these Bylaws, serve as an ex-officio member of all committees and represent the Association to other organizations and the public in general.
2. Vice President: The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President in the Presidents absence, and serve as coordinator between the Association and all special interest committees.
3. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and General Membership and Special meetings. He/She shall have custody of such books and records as required to perform the duties of the office of Secretary and shall have such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President.
4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have custody of all the funds of the General membership of the Association, collect promptly all monies due the Association and shall pay such bills as are authorized by the Board of Directors and shall perform all other duties incident to the office of Treasurer, subject to the control of the Board of Directors.
5. Membership Director: The Membership Director will be responsible for all applications for new members, keeping up-to-date information available in the club house for visitors to obtain, and the meeting and greeting of guests to our meetings and club house.
6. Newsletter Editor: The Newsletter Editor is responsible for putting together and distributing the club newsletter to all members and any one else they feel should receive a copy of it.
C. Board of Directors.
1. Composition. The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers elected by the general membership plus the director of each special interest committee. The President shall chair all meetings of the Board of Directors.
2. Quorum: One half of the members of the Board, at least one of who shall be the President or Vice President shall constitute a quorum.
3. Meetings: The Board of Directors meets a minimum of four times per year. The first being within two weeks of being elected. The last at least two weeks prior to elections.
a. Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held w whenever called for by the President or any two other members of the board.
D. Vacancies.
1. If the office of President shall become vacant, The Vice President shall succeed to the office of President.
2. If any other office becomes vacant, the office shall be filled from among eligible regular members appointed by the remaining board members for the remainder of that term of office.
E. Tenure of Office.
1. The term of office for all elected officials and Directors shall be two years or until their successors shall be elected and installed in office. A regular member shall be eligible for re-election.
2. The six offices available for election have been divided into two groups with each group being elected every other year.
a. Group 1: President, Secretary, and Membership Director
b. Group 2: Vice President, Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor
3. Any officer may be removed from his/her office for lack of interest, malfeasance in office or for conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Association by a majority vote of the general membership.
A. Purpose.
1. Members may form Special Interest Committees (i.e. SICs) in order to pursue specific aspects of railroading that may not be of interest to everyone in the general membership (i.e. specific model scale, modular or permanent layout, rail fan, etc.) provided the purpose and activities of the proposed committee meets the criteria stated in these Bylaws.
B. Criteria.
1. SICs must be related to a specific aspect of railroading.
2. The purpose and activities of the SICs may not be adverse to the good of the Association and may not interfere with the purpose and activities of the Association.
3. SICs Must be approved by the general membership by majority vote at a regularly scheduled meeting.
a. Proposals for SICs must state the purpose, the anticipated number of members, a financial plan and a plan to protect the SICs member’s interests.
b. Duplicate SICs shall not be allowed except for special cases (i.e. shift workers, etc).
4. SICs shall be self governed and self financing. No Association funds may be used for SIC specific purposes.
5. Each SIC will select, by election, a Director for the purpose of conducting SIC meetings and representing the SIC on the board of directors.
a. Each SIC Director shall present a report on said Sics activities and finances at each Association meeting.
b. Any other officers required by the SIC shall be elected by the members of each SIC.
6. Should a SIC dissolve, the property and funds of that SIC shall be divided among the members of that SIC. In the event of disagreement over the disbursement of property or funds the SIC members shall present their positions at the soonest Association meeting for open discussion and the Board of Directors shall decide the outcome as soon as possible after the meeting.
7. SICs may be dissolved by a vote of the Association General Membership for conduct or activities prohibited by law or deemed prejudicial to the Association.
8. Should a SIC be abandoned by it’s members, any property and/or funds shall become the property and/or funds of the Association and shall be liquidated and incorporated into the funds of the Association.
9. Each SIC will elect a member to communicate and coordinate meeting times and activities with the Association Vice President in order to prevent scheduling conflicts with the Association or other SICs.
10. Meeting/Activity dates for SICs shall be coordinated by the Vice President.
11. Members may belong to more than one SIC.
12. SIC funds shall be maintained by the Association Treasurer who shall keep individual records for each SIC.
Article IV: Membership
1. Regular Member: A Regular Member shall be any member 18 years of age or greater. A Regular Member may vote, hold any office and participate in all group activities without restriction. A Regular Member is subject to dues, fees and other assessments.
2. Inactive Members: Members in good standing may request an Inactive Status for reasons of Illness, Military Service, or other extenuating circumstances approved by the board. Inactive Members will not be required to pay dues or assessments. Inactive Members must inform the board and resume payment of dues and special assessments when they wish to reinstate Regular Membership. Inactive members may not participate in activities.
3. Associate Member: The spouse or established domestic partner of a Regular Member shall be considered an Associate Member. Each Regular Member may sponsor only one Associate Member. An Associate member is assigned no dues, fees or assessments, may not hold office, may not vote, buy may serve on event committees and otherwise participate in all group events.
4. Junior Member: Membership shall be allowed for the children or legal charges of a Regular Member provided that such Junior Member demonstrates a level of Maturity and behavior that is neither disruptive nor destructive to persons or property while engaged in Association activities. Further, a Junior Member must be under the full time supervision of a parent, guardian or sponsor while attending an Association activity. A Junior Member may not vote or hold any elected office and may only participate in Association activities with the consent of both the sponsoring Regular Member and the event organizer. Dues are not assessed for Junior Members.
5. Family Membership: Membership will include husband/wife or established partners and all their children under the age of 21. All family members over the age of 18 may vote, hold any office and participate in all group activities without restriction. Children under the age of 18, will still be considered Junior Members and fall under the bylaws for junior membership. From 18 to 21, they become full members of the club. At the age of 21, they must start paying their own dues or they shall no longer be a member of the club.
6. Honorary Members: Persons may also be inducted as Honorary Members by a simple majority vote of all members in attendance. An Honorary Member is a person who has supported the Association in the achievement of its stated purpose. An Honorary Member may not vote or hold any elected office nor will dues be assessed on them.
7. Guest: Non-member persons may attend up to two club meetings and/or functions without the benefit of membership. Thereafter, membership will be required.
Article V: Meetings
A. Meeting times and dates shall be determined by the General Membership by a majority vote.
1. In the event Association meeting times should change SIC meeting schedules shall be taken into consideration in order to minimize conflicting schedules.
Article VI: Finances, Dues and Fees
A. Initiation Fees.
1. New members shall pay an initiation fee. The amount of the fee shall be determined by the General Membership and reviewed and approved annually.
B. Dues.
1. Monthly dues shall be paid by all regular members.
2. The amount of the dues shall be established, reviewed and approved annually by the General Membership no later than November 30th meeting.
3. Dues should be paid on or before the monthly business meeting.
C. Special Assessments.
1. In the event of unforeseen expenses, special projects or other unfinanced events, a special assessment may be proposed to the General Membership. Special assessments shall be passed by a majority vote.
2. Those members who require a hard copy of the newsletter and other correspondence will be responsible for the cost of production and postage.
3. All dues, fees, and assessments must be current for members to participate in club activities. This includes meetings.
Article VII: Resignation, Disenrollment and Reinstatement
A. Resignation in Good Standing: Any member wishing to resign shall submit his/her resignation in writing to the President. He/She shall be considered to have resigned in good standing if dues, all current special assessments, and any other financial obligations to the Association have been paid.
1. No refund of dues or special assessments shall be made, except that in hardship cases, an appropriate refund for monies paid in advance may be authorized by the Board of Directors.
2. Members who resign in good standing shall be reinstated upon submission of an application for membership. Such application shall be accompanied by payment for the initiation fee, the current month’s dues, plus any current special assessments.
a. Any member who left in good standing, may reapply for membership one time without having to repay the initiation fee.
B. Disenrollment for Non-Payment of Dues, Special Assessments or other Financial Obligations to the Association. Members will be disenrolled for non-payment of dues, special assessments or any other financial obligation to the Association within sixty days after such obligation became due and payable.
1. Any member so disenrolled may apply for readmission by re-submitting an application form, payment of the initiation fee, current month’s dues and any current special assessments. Re-admission under these circumstances is a one time only event.
a. Any member 60 days past due on dues, special assessments or any other fee shall receive a letter in the mail stating that they are past due and asking the member to contact any member of the board of directors to inform them what your circumstances are. If money is not paid or other steps taken by the next meeting, the person shall be disenrolled as a member of the club.
b. The Treasurer is responsible for sending out this letter to members.
c. Any member of a SIC who is 60 days past due on an dues or fees, shall also receive a letter in the mail. If not paid or other steps taken, that member shall be removed from that SIC.
d. Copies of these letters may be obtained from the Treasurer or any other officer.
C. Disenrollment for Prejudicial Conduct. A member may be disenrolled for conduct prejudicial to the purpose of or the best interests of the Association.
1. Any Regular Member charging another member with prejudicial conduct shall submit such charges to the Board of Directors in writing.
2. Upon receipt of such charges the Board of Directors shall convene a special meeting whereon they shall hear all charges, evidence and rebuttal from all concerned parties.
3. The Board of Directors shall conduct the meeting in such a way as to assure that the interests of the defendant member as well as the interests of the Association are fully protected.
4. An Affirmative vote by a majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a verdict of disenrollment from the Association.
5. A member so disenrolled may be reinstated by a petition for reinstatement signed by at least fifty percent of the Regular Members of the Association who were Regular Members as of the date of disenrollment. Such petition must be received by the Secretary not more than sixty days after the date of such disenrollment.
Article VIII: Amendment of By-Laws
A. These By-Laws may be amended, modified, or repealed by the Board of Directors subject to the approval of a majority of the General Membership at any meeting, provided that notice of the intent to do so is included in the notice of the meeting and a copy of the proposed change accompanies such notice.
Article IX: Rules of Order
A. Meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order.
Revised 8-25-2010